Whew...I am tired!

January 19, 2009

Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait in between posts. I know you were just sitting at your computers waiting on the next blog post from me...lol...NOT!

This extra long weekend had me busy with the funeral and visiting with extended family and preparing for a garage sale in the next 4 weeks that I wasn't on the computer at all until now. I checked my mail and Facebook once from my phone but that was it. It seems like I don't have the desire to be on my computer as much lately as I used to. I suppose that is a good thing since I have found I have a lot more going on away from the computer that on it. I was so wrapped up with cleaning out things for the garage sale that I didn't even go to the grocery store Saturday...Randy did! That is going to be a great way to save money. He goes for what is on the list and nothing else...unlike me, who likes to look at everything and buy stuff we don't absolutly NEED.

I think this whole Cancer thing must come in waves because right now my life is pretty boring. The beginning stages were so nerve wracking with the constant testing that I should totally appreciate this "lull" because from what I hear, the best is yet to come. Best being Chemo. YUCK, UGH, BLAH! It is almost like having a baby and going in to that "nesting" phase. I am preparing for the worst but praying for the best and by preparing I mean tieing up loose ends, cleaning my house, talking to my boss & HR about possible Telecommuting, talking to Randy's people about him having time off when I need him...and so on, and so on.
My family is the best! From my mom being by my side through this whole ordeal so far to my sister-in-law and her parents taking care of getting the kids home from school so I can stay at work late to make up time missed to my other sister-in-law bringing us goodies every time she makes a trip to Costco...they are awesome! I know for a fact, I could have never gotten this far alone. I wouldn't want to that's for sure!! I love them all so much - words just can't express how much I appreciate them! The outpouring of love and support has been amazing - thank you to all of you!! I have reconnected with old schoolmates recently on Facebook and even people I hardly knew have offered help. Between my friends, my family and my Church family, I CAN DO THIS! I may have "down" days and "crabby" days (sorry Randy, I love you!!) but at least I am alive to experience those days...right? Right!

I have read (which I do too much sometimes) that a great way to fight the fatigue that comes with Radiation & Chemo is to throw in a little excercise when you can so Kailee and I have challenged each other to lose 10lbs in the next 4 weeks. That may be a little steep but I am wanting to get back to my last Weight Watchers weight before Chemo starts so that I won't gain back everything I lost last year. Yes, I said Chemo & GAIN in the same sentance. The "poison" my Oncologist is going to be using has the lovely side effect of WEIGHT GAIN! Hair LOSS and weight GAIN! I don't get that. In a perfect world it would be weight LOSS and hair GAIN! By hair gain, I mean I would have lovely long locks when this was all over with...and still, who knows, when it grows back I just may!
Sooo, anyway, back to our challenge...tonight, Kailee and I got back on the Wii Fit and weighed in. It had been a long time since either of us had been on that thing. (I was only up 2.9 lbs from the last time I was on.) Now it will be every day for at least 10 to 15 minutes for me. I am going to start slow I think. Maybe I will encorporate walking at lunch back in to my day...what do you think Mom??? Sound good? I think I can spare 30 minutes for my health at least a few times a week now that I am not rushing out the door to get the kids after school.

Okay...I have gone on and on about much of nothing for 30 minutes and now you should all feel so much better...I am alive and doing well and full of no news...that is good news right? Keep praying for that no news thing! I have my 1st appointment with my R.O. since starting Radiation and I have a few questions to ask...1st one being, how do you know this is working? The next one is "if this is working, why exactly do I have to do Chemo?"...that one was Randy's question...but I agree with him. Anyway, I am praying that there will be no surprises and just positive things from him! That will be tomorrows blog...

I am outta here for the night...I am tired but still have a little laundry to do, my lunch for tomorrow to make and my shower to take =)

Hope everyone has a great evening and a very happy Tuesday!!

Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day. ~Author Unknown


Anonymous said...

Wow, you have me tired just from reading that blog entry!

Keep your chin up.

By the way, you and Kailee don't need to lose anymore weight.

Tell the R man I said "hello."


NaturalGrrl said...


Hey! Just one of your old schoolfriends here. I'm with you on the losing 10 lbs thing. And I think you just gave me an excuse to buy a wii fit. It's definitely got to warm up in St. Louis before I can work walking into my lunch hour.

Sending you positive thoughts today!

Lisa in St. Louis

Anonymous said...

I bet you grow back curly hair!! Wouldn't that be a hoot!!!! Thinking of you always...Love you..

And I will start doing my Wii Fit too...Challenge...???

Anonymous said...

Hey Kristi, A lady I used to work with had a very interesting situation when her hair grew back after chemo. It was pink--and I mean pink. Not fuchsia or hot pink but a definite girl baby pink color. It was very pretty in an unusual sort of way. You may be surprised by a whole new you! Something to look forward to!