I am a mess. I don't feel good and I hate it! I want to be at work with my friends. I want to be part of the group again, not part of me and my laptop sitting at home "free from germs" (yeah right...in my house??) so I don't get an infection worse than what is already brewing in me. Okay, so am I sounding pitiful enough? It's not like they have me on lockdown...truth is, I just have no energy to get up, get dressed and get out there...and in the words of the nurse - "if you can, we would prefer you work from home this week"...yeah, no problem...it's not like the amount of medications you have me on are going to make driving a safety issue or anything...duh.
So here it is...how do I really feel? Well, the day of Chemo, I believe I became a "true ditsy blonde"...I just remember saying stupid stuff and feeling kinda out of it. Towards the end, I felt a lot like I had the flu. I went home and took the nausea meds and probably slept...I can't remember. The next day, I was feeling pretty good but nothing sounded good as far as food....cause nothing had flavor but I never got that strange metallic taste that other people talk about...still, I use plastic utensils. I know I went to church Sunday but that is about it....yawned through most of the sermon...sorry Preacher...The rest is pretty much a blur...I have blisters on the back of my throat, everything I eat or drink makes my cheeks hurt, my nose runs like a faucet, I have had an ongoing dull headache for days...kinda like someone smacked me in the face with a frying pan...waking up in the morning with a 300lb invisible gorilla sitting on my chest is great...making it difficult to breathe. I am shedding like a long haired cat in the heat of the Summer...it's great to see your hair in everyone's food...lol. Adds flavor =) I am so ready to have this crap shaved off...this weekend my friends, this weekend!! Oh, and most recently, Neuropathy!! What a great feeling! My fingertips are numb but my hands feel like someone is sending shocks through the veins down in to my hands and up to my shoulders. Seriously, is that enough? I will save the irritability and mood swings for another day. I am pretty sure this post just knocked me down a few notches on the "we are so proud of you" ladder...
Sorry my friends...the truth of the matter is this...CHEMO SUCKS!
Girl, whine all you want to! You've been strong through things that would knock me out! You're entitled to be cranky & sad for a while. I still love you. =)
Radiation Sucks!
Chemo Sucks!
Cancer Sucks!
You have EVERY right to whine....cry....curse....do whatever you need to do to get through this! No one is going to hold it against you! And if they try...send them to ME!! You deserve nothing but the best my friend and I hate that you are going through this....I wish there was something I could do to help you....I do pray for you every day though and I know that God has you in the palm of his hand and He is in control. He has something BIG planned for you girl for all the crap you've had to endure haha!
Hey....I'm sure that you didn't really think that this was going to be a cake walk! You can be strong and not like it one bit! But when we are weak....He is strong! NOBODY expects you to be up all the time...I would have thought you were kinda strange if you were having a GOOD time doing this. I'm glad you posted. Love ya girl....
You know what sweetie...you have every right to whine, you have gone thru so much more than I did with mine, well we did different things, but you can whine to me any time you want to and I do mean anytime at ALL!!!
Remember you are on a high dosage of Steroids and they mess with you big time, they make everything taste nasty(metallic taste), they make you not sleep, they make you cranky,irritable, etc. and that is just one thing you are on...no telling what the rest of it is doing to you! Goodness knows I was crabby and irritable when I was on steroids and I whined all over facebook...lol...
Just know that we are here for you and we loves you and will listen to you anytime about anything...let me know if you need any hats, I can crochet a cute hat for you, but with Spring supposedly right around the corner it might be too warm for one...
Dearest Krista- I have been reading your posts. You are really brave. I am praying for strength for you.How long have you been goin thru this cancer stuff? I am so sorry you have had to go thru this.When you do not have strength because of the chemo please know I am praying for you :) You can write me at poetrywriter67@yahoo.com or on facebook. kathy -north garland '86
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