Radiation is over...let the FUN begin!!

Radiation ended last Friday and it was a little sad because of the friends I met but happy because I no longer have to endure the skin burning ritual.  Friday night was a celebration of sorts and I had devised a plan of attack to get back at one of the techs for razzing me about some photos he took.  Hey, they were taken against my will!!  Anyway, as of this evening, the plan was set in motion and my life is NOW complete...LOL.  Never mess with the queen of practical jokes!!  Oh, and don't think you can hide from me...I will find you!!  Hahaha...all harmless fun and I will have to go back in 3 weeks for a check up so I am sure this tech and I will come face to face and I will probably get pay back but it was all worth it =)

10 days til Chemo starts...woohoo!  I am gonna enjoy the heck out of the next few days!!!  Anyone up for a party??


Now that my 25 radiation treatments are coming to an end, I decided to recap the experience in photos. Some are not the best pics but you can see where I spent my mornings for the last 5 weeks.

This is Maria, the receptionist. She is a sweetheart and she puts up with my silly rantings every morning!
After I would scan my card and chit chat with Maria, this is the "long walk" I would take...
The long hallway
...down the hall...
Nurses station
...past the nurses station & rooms...
...to the dressing rooms & waiting area.
Here is my dressing room and a picture of me in my "designer" gown:
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Here is the lovely waiting area:
The Waiting Area
And just around this corner:
(and Cassie & Koi - two of the technicians)
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Here is a picture of the whole tech team and my Dr. The names noted in the picture are the people that have taken such wonderful care of me!
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...and last but not least, a picture of my shoulder about half way through the treatments...take what you see and imagine it about 3 times worse that this picture. At this point you can see a red, irritated, almost blistery rash beginning to appear:
Yuck! It got worse but I will spare you those photos! Through it all, I'd have to say it wasn't too bad. Everyone at NCC took such wonderful care of me and I will miss them all! Hopefully, after tomorrow, I will only be back to visit and say hello!!

Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.
~ Author Unknown


...I am at a loss for words believe it or not.


Just 3 days of radiation to go. I am so excited but I sure will miss the new friends I have gained. The only thing I WON'T miss is having to expose "my girls" to 2 guys every day. Boy, they pulled a good one on me and rotated techs so for the rest of this week, I get to go through the ultimate humiliation. Could they not have told me that this would be happening so I could...um...have rushed out and gotten a boob job or at least stop eating for a week or five!? I feel..well...I just don't like being on display. They leave the room to do the treatment and I can just picture them looking at me in the camera and making moo noises...LOL. Okay, enough personal stuff.

Short blog tonight...gotta watch American Idol!

Music is what feelings sound like. ~Author Unknown

Life on hold...but only for a moment.

February 12, 2009

Hi everyone...sorry for not blogging much lately. After my last rant, I figured I would make sure my attitude was brighter before I returned. Today was exceptional, though I have felt like a ping pong ball bouncing around inside of a jar. (Like that one? LOL) I feel like I have so many things to do but just not enough time in the day to do them but hopefully I will catch up with myself so I can take a break.

Tuesday's doctor visit was interesting to say the least. Dr. Gilbert wasn't too excited about the looks of my skin - especially under my arm - so he put my last 5 radiation treatments on hold until Monday, in hopes that the redness & irritation would start to heal. So far, no good. It seems as if under my arm has gotten worse so they prescribed me another cream and told me to use this stuff called Domeboro twice a day. I have to "soak" my armpit in this stuff. That alone is a feat...LOL. Actually, it is do-able...just messy. Anyway, we are hoping this will help it to show some improvement by Monday morning when I go back. If all goes well, I will be finished with this part on Friday! Keep your fingers & toes crossed =)

On another note, I have to once again tell you guys, you are the most awesome friends a girl could have! Today I received two crochet (sp?) hats to wear when I lose my hair and another friend made me the most beautiful shawl with a "message" behind it. It was so cool!! I'm gonna look so cute with my new hats & I'll be so comfy with my new shawl. Everyone is so sweet & supportive...it is just the best feeling in the world to know I have so many people praying for me! How can I NOT be positive??

Rhona, Alice, Mary, Bobbie & Jan, Jeanne, Stephanie & Kim...you have all made me feel super special & I truly appreciate your kindness! There are so many of you that I haven't mentioned...but yes, you too are wonderful and your acts of kindness have not gone unnoticed or unappreciated.

I love you all and I sincerely appreciate EVERYTHING!!

"The better part of one's life consists of his friendships."
- Abraham Lincoln

8 more days of shake & bake...Seriously??

February 6th, 2009 - 

When I was a teenager, I used to love to go to the lake with my family.  We would spend all day on the boat and I would typically come home looking like a lobster!  I don't have the kind of skin that tans...unless of course, I go through the pain of a burn to get there eventually, and pray it didn't all peel off  before I could actually claim I had a tan!  Typically, I would burn, blister & peel and become a miserable itching mess!  Okay, so I have learned that this is not fun nor is it intelligent therefore, I gave it up many years ago!  I am proud of my paper white skin because at least I know it is healthy & pain free!  

With all of that just said, how in the hell can I justify 8 more days of torture to my poor skin?  It is getting a bit ridiculous and I am not enjoying it anymore.  Sure, positive attitude is still there...some where.  Last night it got to me when I started having chills & feeling like I was running a fever.  I asked Randy when I could start pouting...LOL.  His answer: "Anytime you want, you are entitled!"  I love my husband!  Just giving me the okay was all I needed to drop my bottom lip and say "I don't like this anymore!" and then I was done.  Well, today, I felt much the same way but who was I going to pout to that would care?  The technicians have seen this all before and the say it's all normal.  Great, normal...getting worse every day is normal...lovely.  And each day that I "cook myself from the inside out" is just making my already sore & scabby skin more sore & scabby!  Lovely...and damn, it's making me grumpy too.  I want to sleep soundly and comfortably and all night through!!!  ARGH!!!   I don't want to wake up itching or in pain so I get the prescription for the special "radiation" cream filled...$129.00...nice...now if that's not painful, I don't know what else is!!

So ladies and gentleman, you have now seen it...Little Miss Sunshine has run away from home for the night and replaced you blogger with Oscar the Grouch...LOL.  Sorry folks...but ya can't expect me to be perky and positive all the time and the way I see it, this is a prelude to what is yet to come on March 5th.  My next blog could be posted my the Wicked Witch of Garland...who knows?

10 more days of fun & a poem shared...

February 4th, 2009:

This morning marks day 15 of radiation...only 10 to go and then my skin will finally get a chance to start healing. That will be a happy occasion. Oh, and I will get to wear deoderant again =)

I want to share something that my friend, Rhona shared with me yesterday. She came across this and said it reminded her of me. Well, to be honest, it reminds me of me...I could have written the same words myself.

The 3 Million Dollar Tanning Bed
By: Kathy Negro/ Breast Cancer Warrior

I walk into the office with apprehension and fear
The diagnosis of cancer is what we all share

Radiation is needed for 6 weeks and 3 days
Completed my chemo and now itʼs this phase

The entire staff is filled with compassion and care
They make you feel as if theyʼve known you for years

A mold is made from my chest to my head
To prevent me from moving and being misread

The next step seems to be exciting and new
Not one, not two but many small tattoos

The first day of treatment seems so surreal
The patients you meet know how you feel

It is time for radiation from the 3 million dollar tanning bed
You get on the table and gently lay down your head

You look up and the ceiling is filled with flowers galore
Your heart starts to beat and you feel anxiety to the core

The staff aligns you and each exits the room
It feels like youʼre awaiting some impending doom

I lie there alone and start to pray
It is painless, this so called radiation ray

Each visit gets easier and the staff becomes friends
Fear, apprehension and anxiety all begin to end

Yes, the skin can get red, blister and peel
But doctors will take care of anything you feel

These words are my gift of appreciation and gratitude
For encouraging me to always have a positive attitude

Each day I walk in, I smile as I have learned to cope
This office has given me care, kindness, but most of all hope

From the front desk to the doctor to each one of you
I am so grateful and proud of the job that you do.

Wow...this is my life right now...almost! Amazing...

I am having my radiation first and Chemo second so other than flowers on the ceiling, that is about the only difference.

I think that even though I am happy this part is almost over, I am a little sad that the people that I have spent the last several weeks with, bright & early every weekday morning, will be a part of my past. I have met some really nice people in the waiting room...people I would love to get to know better but there is not a whole lot that one can say in the 5 minutes we share together waiting our turn. We are all different, though we are all going through the same things emotionally. Somehow we share a unique bond. This whole "adventure" has been unique...and as strange as this sounds, I am glad I am getting to experience it. I would not change my life right now for anything in the world!* Cancer has "changed me"... but in a good way.

Daniel 2:21 -
And he changes the times and the seasons: he removes kings, and sets up kings: he gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:

I have the right to recant that statement at any time after March 5th, 2009 ;)