Radiation is over...let the FUN begin!!

Radiation ended last Friday and it was a little sad because of the friends I met but happy because I no longer have to endure the skin burning ritual.  Friday night was a celebration of sorts and I had devised a plan of attack to get back at one of the techs for razzing me about some photos he took.  Hey, they were taken against my will!!  Anyway, as of this evening, the plan was set in motion and my life is NOW complete...LOL.  Never mess with the queen of practical jokes!!  Oh, and don't think you can hide from me...I will find you!!  Hahaha...all harmless fun and I will have to go back in 3 weeks for a check up so I am sure this tech and I will come face to face and I will probably get pay back but it was all worth it =)

10 days til Chemo starts...woohoo!  I am gonna enjoy the heck out of the next few days!!!  Anyone up for a party??

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