8 more days of shake & bake...Seriously??

February 6th, 2009 - 

When I was a teenager, I used to love to go to the lake with my family.  We would spend all day on the boat and I would typically come home looking like a lobster!  I don't have the kind of skin that tans...unless of course, I go through the pain of a burn to get there eventually, and pray it didn't all peel off  before I could actually claim I had a tan!  Typically, I would burn, blister & peel and become a miserable itching mess!  Okay, so I have learned that this is not fun nor is it intelligent therefore, I gave it up many years ago!  I am proud of my paper white skin because at least I know it is healthy & pain free!  

With all of that just said, how in the hell can I justify 8 more days of torture to my poor skin?  It is getting a bit ridiculous and I am not enjoying it anymore.  Sure, positive attitude is still there...some where.  Last night it got to me when I started having chills & feeling like I was running a fever.  I asked Randy when I could start pouting...LOL.  His answer: "Anytime you want, you are entitled!"  I love my husband!  Just giving me the okay was all I needed to drop my bottom lip and say "I don't like this anymore!" and then I was done.  Well, today, I felt much the same way but who was I going to pout to that would care?  The technicians have seen this all before and the say it's all normal.  Great, normal...getting worse every day is normal...lovely.  And each day that I "cook myself from the inside out" is just making my already sore & scabby skin more sore & scabby!  Lovely...and damn, it's making me grumpy too.  I want to sleep soundly and comfortably and all night through!!!  ARGH!!!   I don't want to wake up itching or in pain so I get the prescription for the special "radiation" cream filled...$129.00...nice...now if that's not painful, I don't know what else is!!

So ladies and gentleman, you have now seen it...Little Miss Sunshine has run away from home for the night and replaced you blogger with Oscar the Grouch...LOL.  Sorry folks...but ya can't expect me to be perky and positive all the time and the way I see it, this is a prelude to what is yet to come on March 5th.  My next blog could be posted my the Wicked Witch of Garland...who knows?


Anonymous said...

Girl....yes, you are allowed to rant, rave, pout, shout, cry.....and even eat Whataburger at 8am!! You are allowed and NO ONE will bat an eye.....you are amazing....end of story. I would be MORE worried if you were always "Little Miss Sunshine" cuz that's just not reasonable...but heck....you don't even have to be reasonable. Call me anytime and I'm here for you....even if you're crabby, k??

Anonymous said...

You definately have many reasons to pout and be negative. But years from now you will be still amazed how much the human body truly can endure. Or maybe even sooner!